Dijkstra schreef in Appraisal van maart 2014 een artikel over hoe je vakbekwaam kunt handelen bij het aanpakken van huiselijk geweld, gebaseerd op het gedachtegoed van Polanyi, Sennett en Schön en op het onderzoek Verborgen Schatten.
This article aims to contribute to skilful performance by reflecting on the importance of tacit knowing for practitioners who handle domestic violence in the field. Polanyi’s insights on tacit knowing, skills and learning are applied to domestic violence cases and to reflections on approaches and developments in the field in which tacit knowing is embodied and expressed. Furthermore, it relates to the work that practitioners engage in directly with clients, to Sennett’s sociological themes on craftsmanship and good work, on front-line work in child protection the handling of domestic violence, and on learning from complex, sometimes fatal, cases. This leads to the conclusion that formal and informal knowing and intense learning need to be intertwined in a balanced way.
Keywords: domestic violence, tacit knowing, good work, social professionals, learning of and from complex cases, skilful performance